
Saptamana 3 / Week 3

Saptamana aceasta a debutat sub semnul sarbatoririi a 152 de ani de la Unirea principatelor romane, care s-a facut prin dubla alegere a lui Cuza la 24 ianuarie 1859. O mare realizare pentru poporul nostru si cu siguranta unul dintre momentele definitorii pentru Romania, in mod special pentru ca aceasta era dorinta majoritatii romanilor, dar si pentru ca era garantia pentru un stat modern (responsabil pentru toti romanii) si pentru evolutia catre un viitor mai bun.
Aceasta evolutie continua, iar evenimentele de luni, de la Iasi, ne-au aratat cam pe unde ne aflam…
Este inspaimantator ca s-a ajuns la un asemenea grad de nemultumire si dezgust incat sa fie huiduit pana si imnul de stat! Ne huiduim simbolurile si nu ne dam seama ca prin aceasta ne huiduim pe noi insine.
Traim intr-o democratie pe care am creat-o si pe care o mentinem in viata fiecare prin votul sau. Ceea ce mi se pare curios este ca marea majoritate nu vrea sa recunoasca un fapt: cei alesi sa ne reprezinte nu sunt de pe o alta planeta, nu sunt nici macar de pe un alt continent sau dintr-o alta tara. Ei fac parte din comunitatile noastre, ne sunt semeni! Si atunci oare unde este problema? Lipsa de educatie, lipsa de interes, lipsa de intelegere a indatoririlor pe care le implica democratia…?!
Saptamana trecuta vorbeam despre faptul ca seful statului ar trebui sa fie un simbol pentru fiecare dintre cetateni. Este destul de dificil de realizat acest lucru intr-o tara in care presedintele nu “reuseste” sa se distanteze de apartenenta sa politica anterioara si nici nu “reuseste” sa dea dovada de impartialitate fata de toti actorii politici ai tarii (partidele), care in totalitatea lor reprezinta cetatenii (electoratul). Acesta este motivul principal pentru care sunt adeptul monarhiei constitutionale!
Monarhul constitutional poate, mai ales prin forta exemplului, prin oferirea unui model de comportament si a unui standard moral ridicat, sa constituie centrul vietii nationale. El poate, prin acordarea de onoruri, prin vizite sau patronaj, sa recunoasca si sa rasplateasca realizarile cetatenilor si sa incurajeze diferitele sectoare ale vietii culturale sau economice sau categorii ale populatiei.
Nu in ultimul rand, trebuie aratat ca monarhul realizeaza acea importanta legatura a natiunii cu trecutul sau. El este intr-un fel custodele trecutului national, fie el spiritual sau material. De asemenea, fiind in centrul tuturor afacerilor de stat, dar in afara arenei politice, suveranul poate avea in vedere interesul pe termen lung al natiunii, oportunitatile si pericolele care exista, fiind un factor de echilibru ce contrabalanseaza preocuparile politicienilor antrenati in periodica si inevitabila lupta electorala. Poate cel mai important aspect al regalitatii este acela ca suveranul reuneste rolul sau de sef al statului cu cel de sef al natiunii intr-o singura institutie. Daca suveranul se bucura de loialitatea poporului si ii induce acestuia un sentiment de mandrie, patriotism si apartenenta la corpul natiunii, atunci poporul isi exprima aceste sentimente si fata de stat, al carui sef constitutional este monarhul, si astfel, poporul confirma si aproba legitimitatea sistemului politic, juridic si economic care ii marcheaza existenta de zi cu zi. Consider relevante, in acest sens, cuvintele Majestatii Sale Regele, care vorbea despre “o familie care da sens natiunii”. In acelasi fel noi avem azi nevoie de un om care sa dea mai intai sens statului!


Statul presupune diplomatie, diplomatia presupune ospitalitate, iar aceasta din urma nu inseamna nimic fara un ospat remarcabil! Inca din timpuri istorice, unul dintre modurile de a pregati si pastra bucatele presupunea aspicul. Bineinteles la vremea aceea era nevoie de un adevarat talent sa obtii gelatina necesara, iar procesul era complicat, oarecum neplacut si anevoios.
Reteta de saptamana aceasta este probabil una dintre cele mai simple din cate sunt prezentate in cartea Principesei Mostenitoare, dar cu siguranta una plina de farmec si arome!

Jeleu de vin

Ingredientele necesare se rezuma la 2 plicuri de gelatina, o sticla de vin rosu bun, o lamaie, un pahar de coniac si un sfert de kilogram de zahar.
Prepararea gelatinei se face conform instructiunilor de pe plic. Restul ingredientelor: vinul, coaja si zeama de la lamaie, coniacul si zaharul se pun la fiert impreuna, dupa care se adauga gelatina. Intregul amestec se pune la frigider pentru o zi.
Rezulatul este un desert pe cat de simplu, pe atat de gustos. Se serveste, la alegere, cu frisca, zahar negru sau fructe. Tinand cont de anotimp, eu am inlocuit fructele cu stafide inmuiate in coniac J.

Pentru a scoate jeleul din vasul/forma in care a fost pus la racit, sugestia prezentata in “Cartea regala de bucate” este de a scufunda baza respectivului vas/forma in apa fierbinte. Va pot garanta ca sugestia functioneaza!
Gustul acestui desert depinde in mare masura de vinul ales, astfel ca trebuie avut grija din acest punct de vedere. Rezultatul poate insa sa fie remarcabil: o aroma tipic romaneasca, rafinata, simplu de facut, cu impact.
Reteta detaliata se afla in “Cartea regala de bucate”, Ed. Curtea Veche, Bucuresti 2010, pag. 199.


This week was marked by the 152nd anniversary of the unification of the Romanian principalities, which was realized through the double election of Alexandru Ioan Cuza. A great achievement for our people and certainly one of the defining moments in Romanian history, especially because this was the desire of the majority of Romanians, but also because it guaranteed the evolution towards a modern state (responsible for all Romanians) and towards a better future.

This evolution continues, and the events that took place on Monday, in Iasi, have shown us about where we are now...

It is frightening that we have reached such a degree of discontent and disgust that even the national anthem is booed! We disrespect our symbols and we do not realize that by doing that we disrespect ourselves.

We live in a democracy that we have created ourselves and that we maintain alive each of us by his vote. What I find curious is that the vast majority of Romanians do not want to admit a fact: those elected to represent us are not from another planet, not even from another continent or another country. They are part of our communities, they are our fellow countrymen! Where does the problem lie then? A lack of education, lack of interest, lack of understanding of the duties that democracy entails...?

Last week I was writing about the fact that the head of state should be a symbol for each and every citizen. It is difficult to achieve this in a country where the president does not "manage" to distance himself from his previous political affiliation and is not "successful" in showing impartiality towards all the country's political actors (parties), which in their totality represent the citizens (voters). This is the main reason why I am a huge supporter of constitutional monarchy!

A constitutional monarch can, by setting a high moral standard and acting as a role model, be the center of national life. At the same time, by granting honors, through visits and patronage, the sovereign can recognize and reward achievement and encourage different sectors of cultural or economic life or different groups of the population.

Last but not least it is worth emphasizing that the monarch makes that important connection with the nation's past. In a way monarchs are custodians of the national tradition and past, be it spiritual or material. Also, being in the center of all affairs of state, but outside the political arena, the sovereign may take into account the long-term interests of the nation, the opportunities and dangers that exist, representing a balancing factor when it comes to the political actors and their inevitable participation in the periodic electoral competition. Perhaps the most important aspect of kingship is the fact that the sovereign unifies the roles of head of state and that of leader of the nation in one institution. If the sovereign enjoys the loyalty of the people while giving them a sense of pride, patriotism and a feeling of belonging to the body of the nation, then the people will also express these feelings in connection to the state, whose head is the constitutional monarch, and thus confirm and approve the legitimacy of the political, legal & economic systems that mark their daily existence. In this context I find relevant the words of His Majesty the King, who spoke of "a family that gives meaning to the nation". In the same way we now need a person to give meaning to the state!


The state requires diplomacy, diplomacy involves hospitality, and the latter is nothing without a remarkable feast! Since historical times, one of the ways to prepare and store food involved the use of gelatin. Of course a real talent was necessary back in the day in order to obtain gelatin, and the process was somewhat complicated, unpleasant and time consuming.

This week's recipe is probably one of the easier ones in the Crown Princess’ book, but nonetheless, it is charming and flavorful!

Red Wine Jelly

The ingredients required are limited to 2 envelopes of plain white gelatin, a bottle of good red wine, a lemon, a glass of good quality brandy and a quarter kilo of sugar.

The preparation of the gelatin is done according to the instructions on the envelope. The remaining ingredients: the wine, the zest and juice from one lemon, the brandy and sugar are all brought to boil together, then the gelatin is added and everything is stirred together. This entire mixture needs to be refrigerated for a day.

The result is a dessert that is as tasty as it is easy to make. It can be served with a choice of whipped cream, black sugar or fruit. Taking the season into consideration, I replaced the fresh fruit with brandy-soaked raisins.

In order to remove the jelly from the bowl / form in which it was refrigerated, the “Royal Cookbook” suggests that the base of the bowl / form be immersed in hot water. I can guarantee that this particular piece of advice was very useful (and the trick worked!).

The taste of this dessert depends largely on the wine selected, so much care must be given to this aspect. The result can be remarkable: a typical Romanian flavor (if, indeed, Romanian wine is used), refined and easy to make, that makes an impact.

The detailed recipe can be found in “Cartea regala de bucate”, Ed. Curtea Veche, Bucuresti 2010, pag. 199.


Saptamana 2 / Week 2

O noua saptamana a devenit istorie, iar intoarcerea la birou si la tot ceea ce numesc cu oarecare cinism viata “normala” a facut ca intreg concediul si sarbatorile de iarna sa para evenimente demult consumate, pe care la un anumit nivel le jelesc inca! Nu sunt cel mai mare amator al sarbatorilor – daca ar fi sa aleg, Pastele ar fi cu siguranta sarbatoarea mea favorita – insa in 2010 le-am asteptat cu nerabdare pentru ca am avut posibilitatea sa-mi iau un concediu pe care sa-l si simt. In aceasta pauza de 2 saptamani am avut timpul si rabdarea sa aplec mai mult urechea la ceea ce se intampla in jurul meu. Cu siguranta mai mult decat daca as fi fost la birou.
 Mi-am dat seama ca unul dintre reflexele pe care le am de Craciun este sa vad discursul MS Regina Elisabeta a II-a a Marii Britanii. Este o traditie atat de valoroasa, care se pastreaza de pe vremea bunicului reginei, George al V-lea, iar forma sa a evoluat odata cu societatea in care traim, pornind de la radio, si ajungand in zilele noastre la televiziune, Tweeter sau Facebook.
Este cu siguranta relevant un astfel mesaj de sarbatori! Nu doar in zile de criza sau recesiune, ci la “bine si la greu”, in fiecare an. Seful statului trebuie sa fie vizibil, asa precum el trebuie sa fie un simbol pentru fiecare dintre cetateni si sa insumeze acel cumul de valori care ne sunt comune fiecaruia dintre noi, sau la care, cel putin, tindem.
M-a bucurat imens mesajul de Craciun al MS Regele Mihai I. A fost un mesaj din suflet si, mai mult, a fost un mesaj care intruneste, dupa parerea mea, toate acele calitati necesare, de care vorbeam mai sus.
In cateva paragrafe, cu simplitatea, coerenta si eleganta care emana din sinceritate si bun-simt, MS Regele atinge toate acele puncte care simti ca ar trebui atinse cu o asemenea ocazie: familia si valorile sale sunt in centrul mesajului, exista un cuvant bun, de incurajare pentru cei care se incapataneaza sa razbeasca in ciuda tuturor obstacolelor si care reprezinta de fapt coloana vertebrala a acestei tari, se gaseste un cuvant bun si pentru cei mai amarati, un cuvant de mangaiere, un cuvant de apreciere dar si un plan de viitor, ancorat in realitate, o povata, si o nota de optimism.  
As fi tare interesat sa stiu ce reactie au avut sau de ce sentimente au fost incercati cei care au avut posibilitatea sa auda sau sa citeasca acest mesaj. Pentru mine, ca sa rezum, reactia a fost una pozitiva si optimista. Ca cetatean, am simtit ca exista cineva acolo care ma reprezinta si in care pot avea incredere ca va pune intotdeauna interesele celorlati inaintea celor personale! Monarhia este o institutie, care pentru mine – cetatean si platitor de taxe in Romania – este mai relevanta decat oricare alta institutie: Presedentia, Parlamentul etc.
Actualul sef al statului nu se inscrie in lista personalitatilor publice in care am incredere. E trist intr-o oarecare masura, dar credibilitatea sa personala este echivalenta cu cea a administratiei sale, a guvernului si  partidului pe care le sustine si de care este sustinut, a institutiei pe care o reprezinta.
Cata diferenta de atitudine intre Casa Regala si Presedentie, chiar si in vreme de sarbatoare, chiar si daca ne limitam la mesajele de Craciun!
“Statul nu este raspunzator pentru fiecare cetatean…” Cum poate un sef de stat sa afirme o astfel de enormitate, precum a facut-o domnul Basescu?! Fiecare cetatean este indreptatit la protectie din partea Statului, prin Constitutie, iar seful statului ar trebui sa fie garantul acestei realitati!
Regele Mihai I a abdicat, fortat fiind, in mod ilegal, de catre comunisti la 30 decembrie 1947, atunci cand i s-a prezentat alternativa executarii unui numar de studenti anticomunisti. Regele nu si-a putut asuma o astfel de atrocitate, nici ca om si nici ca reprezentant legitim al Statului. Pentru ca Statul pe care inca il reprezenta era raspunzator pentru fiecare roman…

© ASR Principele Radu al Romaniei
MS Regele Mihai I & ASR Principesa Mostenitoare

Ca popor, parem cateodata asemeni unui copil parasit de parinti, care dupa un lung drum de pribegie gaseste niste parinti adoptivi, doar pentru a fi abuzat din nou. Am increderea ca in curand vom renunta la statutul de orfelin in favoarea celui de adult care isi cauta si recunoaste adevaratele modele!

Ca orice amator de mancare, m-am gandit ca ar fi preferabil sa echilibrez aceasta a doua postare, care, recunosc, incepe cam sobru (si s-ar putea sa fie un pic grea la stomac J), cu ceva usor, delicat si putin exotic!
Dati-mi oricand o portie din reteta de mai jos impreuna cu ceva "serios" si probabil voi face fata cu brio! J

Spuma de creveti, ou si avocado

Am atacat “problema” pe 4 fronturi:
In primul rand am recunoscut cinstit ca nu am ramekins (forme individuale de sufleu) si ca va trebui sa gasesc o alternativa J.  Am gasit-o: veterana mea forma de chec, pe care cel mai des o folosesc la reteta de cheesecake.
Frontul doi a avut de-a face cu un bain-marie: toata lumea pe care o cunosc se sperie de acest termen! Si eu l-am invatat in State si la inceput mi se parea un mare inconvenient, dar mi-am schimbat parerea cu timpul…
[faceti un efort intr-o zi si puneti un vas de yena deasupra unei oale mici cu apa care fierbe, in care adaugati niste smantana de gatit si ciocolata rupta in patratele mici. Asigurati-va ca fundul vasului de yena nu atinge apa in clocot! Ideea e ca aburii sa ajute procesul… amestecati bine pana se obtine o crema fina de ciocolata, luati de pe foc si scufundati niste capsuni in acest amestec! O sa realizati de ce bain-marie e o idee buna si nu prea complicata J]
Am adaugat in bolul de yena un pachet de gelatina, zeama de la jumatate de lamaie (sfat: alegeti o lamaie potrivita, nu un mamut!) si un sfert de cana de apa fierbinte. Am amestecat serios, dupa care, atunci cand amestecul s-a racit, am adaugat smantana, maioneza, mararul, coaja de la o lamaie si o lingura de Worcestershire sauce [iubesc acest ingredient! in State se spunea ca in compozitie are “tot ce se opreste in sita de la chiuveta” J, dar, sincer, pot sa va spun ca da o savoare deosebita mancarurilor, iar eu nici nu ma gandesc sa fac anumite retete in lipsa acestui ingredient: inclusiv burgers!]

Am fiert bine 4 oua, le-am racit, dupa care le-am decojit si taiat in cubulete. Le-am amestecat cu creveti taiati in 3 si avocado taiat in cuburi mici – frontul nr. 3! [Crevetii sunt fructele de mare pe care le prefer… la noi se gasesc in principiu inghetati. Trebuie tinut minte ca acestia sunt gata fierti daca sunt de culoare roz si ca urmare pot fi folositi direct in retete, fara o pregatite prealabila. In cazul acestei retete, trebuie indepartate cozile, daca acestea exista.]
Frontul 4: am adaugat ouale, crevetii si avocado la compozitia din bain-marie, peste care am adaugat spuma batuta din 2 albusuri si am amestecat. [oricand aveti o reteta care presupune amestecul  ingredientelor cu spuma de albusuri, asigurati-va ca o faceti cu blandete J. Principala misiune a spumei de albusuri e sa faca produsul final sa fie usor si pufos. Daca amestecati vartos, bulele de aer se vor sparge si vor anula principala misiune a spumei.]

Am turnat amestecul obtinut in forma de care va vorbeam la inceput si am introdus-o la frigider pentru cateva ore bune. Dupa ce s-a inchegat bine, am rasturnat totul pe un platou, pe care l-am garnisit cu marar verde, proaspat. E un preparat deosebit, care merge bine alaturi de paine prajita.

Reteta detaliata se afla in “Cartea regala de bucate”, Ed. Curtea Veche, Bucuresti 2010, pag. 188


A new week has become history and the return to the office and everything we call, with some cynicism, "normal" life, made the vacation and winter holidays seem long gone-by events, which at some level I still mourn! I am not the biggest fan of holidays - if I were to choose, Easter would definitely be my favorite holiday - but in 2010 I eagerly awaited Christmas because I was able to take a longer leave, which I could actually enjoy. In this two week break I had time and patience to devote more time to what was happening around me. Certainly, more than if I were at work.
I realized that one of the reflexes that I have at this time of the year is to see HM Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain’s Christmas speech. It is a very valuable tradition that has survived since the times of the Queen’s grandfather, George V, while its form has evolved with time from the radio, moving on to television, and, in our days Tweeter or Facebook.

Such a message is definitely very relevant at Christmas time! Not just in days of crisis or recession, but in good times and bad, every year. The head of state needs to be visible, just as they need to be a symbol for each citizen and illustrate those values that are common to each of us, or to which we at least aspire.

I thoroughly enjoyed HM King Michael’s Christmas message. It was a heartfelt message and, moreover, it was a message that meets, in my opinion, all those necessary qualities I mentioned above.

In just a few paragraphs, with the simplicity, coherence and elegance that emanates from honesty and common sense, His Majesty the King touched on all those ideas that that one would feel need to be addressed on such an occasion: family and its values are at the heart of the message, there is a good word of encouragement for those who, in spite of all obstacles, are determined to pull through and who, basically, represent the backbone of this country, there is a good word for those less fortunate, a word of comfort, a word of appreciation but also a plan for the future that is anchored in reality, a word of advice and a touch of optimism.
I would be quite interested to know the reaction of those who had the possibility to read or hear this message. To summarize, my reaction was positive and optimistic. As a citizen, I feel that there is someone there who I can trust and that will always put public interest before his own! The monarchy is an institution, which for me - a tax paying citizen of Romania - is more relevant than any other institution: the President, the Parliament etc.

The current head of state cannot be included in the list of public figures that I trust. It is sad to a certain extent, but his personal credibility is equivalent to that of his administration, his government and ruling party that he supports and by which he is supported, that of the institution he represents.
What a difference in attitude between the Royal House and the presidency, even in times of celebration, even if we limit ourselves to the Christmas messages!

"The state is not responsible for every citizen..." How can a head of state claim such nonsense as Mr. Basescu did? Every citizen is entitled to be protected by the state, by the Constitution, and the head of state should be the guarantor of this reality!

King Michael was illegally forced to abdicate by the communists on December 30th 1947, when he was presented with the alternative of a number of anti-communist students being massacred. The King could not and would not be responsible for such an atrocity, not as a man nor as a legitimate representative of the State. For the State which he represented was still responsible for each and every Romanian...

As a people we sometimes seem like an abandoned child, who after a long time manages to find adoptive parents, only to be abused yet again. I have faith that soon enough we will abandon this orphan status for that of an adult who recognizes the genuine role models in their life!

As any food lover, I thought it would be preferable to balance this second post, which, I admit, started on a more sober note (and, as a consequence, might be a little harder to stomach) with something more delicate and a little exotic!

Give me a portion of the below recipe and I am sure I can successfully face any obstacle!

Cold soufflé of prawn, egg & avocado

I approached the "problem" on four levels:

Firstly, I admitted that I do not own ramekins and will have to find an alternative. I found it in my veteran cake form, which I use more often for my cheesecake recipe.

The second level had to do with a bain-marie: I know most people are scared of this term! I first heard of it in the U.S. and at first it seemed such a great inconvenience, but I changed my mind in the mean time… [make an effort one day and place a Pyrex bowl over a pot  with a little boiling water, put some double cream and chocolate in the bowl. Make sure the bottom of the Pyrex bowl does not touch the boiling water! The idea is that the steam will help the whole process... mix the ingredients well until a smooth chocolate cream is obtained, remove from the heat and dip some strawberries in the mix! You will realize what a bain-marie is a good idea and not too complicated]

I put a package of white, flavorless gelatin in a Pyrex bowl to which I added the juice from half a lemon (tip: choose an average lemon, not a mammoth!) and a quarter cup of hot water. I mixed these three ingredients thoroughly, then, when the mixture cooled down, I added sour cream, mayonnaise, freshly chopped dill, lemon zest and a tablespoon of Worcestershire sauce.

Next I chopped 4 hard boiled eggs and mixed them with the chopped prawns and avocado – this was level 3. If the prawns have tails, make sure to remove them!
Level 4: I added the eggs, prawn and avocado mixture to the composition obtained in the bain-marie, over which I added 2 egg whites that were whipped until they formed stiff peaks. [anytime you are doing a recipe that involves mixing ingredients with egg whites that were whipped to form stiff peaks, make sure you do it gently. The main idea is to have a finished dish that is light and fluffy and as such you need to save as many of those air bubbles as possible!]

I poured the fluffy mixture thus obtained in the form that I was telling you about previously and I put it in the refrigerator for several hours. Once it was stiff enough, I turned it on to a platter, which I garnished with fresh dill. This is an excellent recipe that goes well with toast.
The detailed recipe can be found in “Cartea regala de bucate”, Ed. Curtea Veche, Bucuresti 2010, pag. 188.


Saptamana 1 / Week 1

“Cartea regala de bucate” este o lucrare excelenta. Mai mult decat retetele, care sunt superbe din cate am vazut pana acum J, ideea in sine e geniala. Este o deschidere atat de intima a Principesei, care ne invita in bucataria si sufrageria familiei, care sunt cu siguranta inima oricarui camin, iar in acest caz, Familia capata o dimensiune deosebita.
Am savurat, in saptamana Craciunului, interviul Principesei de pe TVR. Cata naturalete si eleganta fara efort. O schimbare atat de binevenita fata de tortura absoluta la care suntem supusi in fiecare zi cei care mai avem curajul sa pornim televizorul. (Dar despre acest subiect voi scrie putin mai mult saptamana viitoare, cand voi arata cat poate sa insemne diferenta de atitudine!)
Acest atribut, al elegantei, bunului gust, si, in general, al bunului simt este ceea ce imi inspira, in primul rand, respectul fata de Casa Regala a Romaniei!
Am hotarat cu greu care e cel mai indicat capitol sau, concret, reteta cu care sa incep acest proiect… apoi am ajuns la capitolul “Radu si cu mine”.
Pentru mine titlul capitolului a insemnat totul! Acea combinatie intre “persoana iubita” si “mine” m-a facut sa ma gandesc la cat de important este “cel de langa mine” si cat ar fi de neinsemnata viata fara acel cineva! (O persoana draga mie mi-a spus o data ca a pregati mancare pentru cineva este unul dintre cele mai frumoase si naturale moduri de a-ti arata dragostea. Sunt de acord!) Apoi am vazut prima coperta si dilema s-a rezolvat J

Risotto cu ulei de trufe

Am inceput prin a curata ceapa alba, telina si usturoiul, pe care le-am calit la foc domol in ulei de masline si unt, pana cand s-au calit, fara a se rumeni. Nu uitati ca mancam atat cu gura, cat si cu ochii, deci aspectul si prezentarea sunt si ele vitale! Am adaugat orezul la primele ingrediente. Atunci cand a devenit usor translucid am adaugat o portie serioasa de Murfatlar – Eticheta Neagra, Riesling SEC. Mirosul e ceva tare greu de descris, dar cu siguranta starneste interesul in aceasta reteta J. Pasii urmatori sunt delicati si necesita o oarecare rabdare: am adaugat treptat polonic, dupa polonic de supa de carne. Intreaga combinatiie devine tot mai cremoasa, iar orezul absoarbe treptat minunatele arome ale legumelor si vinului. In momentul in care bobul de orez este patruns, am adaugat parmesanul si putin piper negru, macinat proaspat, iar la final am turnat vreo doua linguri bune de ulei de trufe. Acest ultim ingredient, pe care l-am incercat pentru prima oara, a adus o nota savuroasa intregii formule: o aroma care aduce a ciuperci si nuci intr-o oarecare masura …
Rezultatul final a fost mult peste asteptarile mele! In principiu nu sunt cel mai mare amator de orez si, ca regula, pana acum l-am folosit doar ca garnitura la retete care abunda in sos sau condimente, pentru a le echilibra sau a le face mai satioase.
Cu siguranta nu mai incercasem risotto, dar pe viitor sunt sigur ca aceasta reteta va fi folosita sa uimeasca invitatii J.
Un sfat: serviti-l cald, imdiat dupa preparare! Pierde mult din farmec dupa ce sa raceste…
Reteta detaliata se afla in “Cartea regala de bucate”, Ed. Curtea Veche, Bucuresti 2010, pag. 190


The “Royal Cookbook” is an excellent work. More than the recipes, which are all superb as far as I've seen so far, the idea itself is brilliant. It is such an intimate account from the Princess, who invites us into the kitchen and the family dining room, which is certainly the heart of every home, and in this particular case, the family gets a special dimension.

I have thoroughly enjoyed the Princess’ television interview at Christmas: such natural grace and effortless elegance she has. A welcomed change from the absolute torture that we are subjected to on a daily basis – those of us who still have the courage to turn on the TV. (But I'll write a little more about this topic next week when I will try to show how attitude can make all the difference!)

This attribute, of elegance, good taste, and, in general, common sense is what inspires my respect towards the Royal House of Romania!

It was quite difficult to decide the most appropriate chapter or, specifically, the recipe with which to start this project... then I got to chapter "Radu and I."

For me the chapter title meant everything! That combination of "the loved one" and "I" made me think about how important “the one next to me” is and how barren life would be without that special someone!  (A person dear to me once said that to cook for someone is one of the most beautiful and natural ways to show your love. I agree!) Once I saw the front cover, my little predicament was

Risotto with truffle oil

I started by peeling a white onion, which I finely chopped together with celery sticks and garlic. I sautéed them in olive oil and butter until they became soft, but did not brown. It is worth remembering that we eat with our eyes just as much as we do with our mouth. As a consequence, the appearance of the dish is vital! To all the above ingredients I added the rice, which I cooked until it became translucent. At this point I added a good helping of dry white wine (Riesling). Smell is somewhat hard to describe in words, but I can assure you it is something quite enticing when it come to this particular recipe. The next steps require some patience: ladle after ladle of stock need to be added until a creamy consistency is reached and the rice absorbs all the beautiful aromas of the sautéed veggies, stock and white wine. Once the rice is cooked all the way through, freshly ground black pepper and parmesan cheese can be added, finished off by two spoons of truffle oil.   This last ingredient, which I have tried for the first time, brought a very savory note to the whole dish: a very earthy aroma that resembles mushrooms, but it is also somewhat nutty…
The final result surpassed my expectations! Normally I am not the biggest rice fan and until now, as a rule, I have only used it as a side for dishes that abound in sauce or spices/condiments to balance them out or make them more filling. 
I had definitely not tried risotto before, but for the future I am sure this recipe shall be used to wow guests J
One piece of advice: make sure you serve it immediately, while still warm! It loses much of its charm once it cools down…
The detailed recipe can be found in “Cartea regala de bucate”, Ed. Curtea Veche, Bucuresti 2010, pag. 190.

Introducere / Introduction

Chiar de ziua mea, pe data de 20 noiembrie a anului trecut, a fost lansata o carte care imbina cele 2 pasiuni ale mele: monarhia si mancarea… J
Este vorba de cartea Principesei Margareta intitulata “Carte regala de bucate”.
Imediat ce am aflat de acest proiect al Principesei, mi-a venit in minte sa incep un blog in care sa imbin saptamanal descrierea retetelor din aceasta carte cu anumite pareri personale legate de institutia monarhica.
Trebuie sa recunosc ca mancarea nu a fost intotdeauna marea mea pasiune. Copil fiind, imi aduc si acum aminte cat se chinuia Mama sa ma faca sa mananc ce mi se punea in fata: trebuia mai tot timpul recurs la tactici precum “soldateii” sau “inca 10 linguri”. Bineinteles, cu trecerea timpului parerile si placerile se schimba… J
In ceea ce priveste monarhia, recunosc cinstit ca nu pot identifica exact momentul in care mi s-a declansat interesul. Pare a fi trecut foarte mult timp de atunci.
 Am vizitat Anglia pentru prima data la varsta de 10 ani si am fost extrem de intrigat de faptul ca acolo traia o Regina. Ceva extrem de neobisnuit… Mi-am imaginat palatul ei atat de multe ori in mintea mea de copil, incat atunci cand am ajuns in fata portilor de la Buckingham am fost total dezamagit! Nu avea absolut nimic in comun cu ceea ce crease imaginatia mea si pe deasupra una dintre aripi era in renovare, acoperita de o plasa imensa, verde.
Din cate imi aduc aminte, am fost mult mai surprins atunci cand am aflat ca si Romania avusese la un moment dat un Rege. Bunica mea materna imi povestea despre vremurile copilariei ei si intr-o zi mi-a pus in mana o moneda exceptionala, romaneasca, dar foarte diferita care avea efigia regelui Mihai: atat de tanar si de frumos era acest rege nemaivazut, despre care Bunica imi povestea ca a trebuit sa plece. Dar ea isi aducea aminte bine cum in gimnaziu, inainte de inceperea orelor, toti elevii ieseau in curtea scolii si cantau imnul – “Traiasca regele”. Ce vremuri…!
La putin timp, Bunica mi-a dat sa citesc o carte – “Povestea vietii mele” – scrisa de regina Maria a Romaniei. Am fost total fascinat! Si pot spune cu mana pe inima ca nu am scapat de aceasta fascinatie si nici nu cred ca voi scapa vreodata… din acel moment am vrut sa aflu tot mai mult si am citit tot ce am gasit despre acesti oameni care erau “ai Romaniei”, dar aproape necunoscuti totusi, cel putin celor din generatia mea.
Pe masura ce am tot citit, am aflat si despre legaturile de sange dintre Familia Regala a Romaniei si celelalte monarhii europene. Toate detaliile acestor inrudiri mi se par extrem de interesante si dedic in continuare mult timp acestui subiect.
Realizez ca sunt doar un diletant in ambele domenii, dar nimic pe lumea aceasta nu mi-a oferit mai multa placere sau mai multe moment delicioase, pline de relaxare, precum aceste doua activitati!


Exactly on my birthday, on November 20th of last year, a book was released that combines my two passions: monarchy and food... 

I am referring here to Princess Margarita of Romania’s “Cartea regala de bucate”, which I will call the “Royal Cookbook” from here on.

Once I learned about the Princess’ project, I immediately thought about starting a weekly blog that combines recipes from this book with some personal opinions regarding the institution of monarchy.

I must admit that food hasn’t always been my great passion. Even now I remember how, as a child, my Mother was struggling to make me eat what was placed before me. Of course time changes both opinions and pleasures…

As far as monarchy is concerned, I admit that I cannot remember exactly when my interest was aroused. Seems like such a long time ago.

I visited England for the first time at age 10 and I was very much intrigued by the fact that a Queen was head of state there. Something very unusual... I imagined her palace so many times in my mind that when we arrived before the gates of Buckingham Palace I was totally disappointed! The building before me had absolutely nothing in common with what my imagination had created!  To top it all off, one wing was under renovation and covered by a huge green net.

From what I remember, I was even more surprised when I found out that Romania had a King at one time. My maternal grandmother was telling me about her childhood days and one day she put in my hands a very unusual Romanian coin, very different from what I had been used to, with the effigy of King Michael: so young and handsome was this unknown king  who, my grandmother told me, had to leave. But she remembered well how in middle school, before classes begun, all students came out into the schoolyard and sang the national anthem - "Long live the King." Interesting times...!

Soon after, Grandma gave me a book to read - "The Story of My Life" - written by Queen Marie of Romania. I was totally fascinated! And I can honestly say that I have not escaped this fascination, nor do I think I ever will... from that moment on I wanted to learn more and more and I read everything I found about these people who were "of Romania" but still almost unknown, at least to my generation.

As I started to read, I also learned about the blood ties between the Royal Family of Romania and other European monarchies. All details of these family bonds are very interesting to me and I still devote much time to this particular subject.

I realize that I'm just an amateur in both fields, but nothing in this world gives me more pleasure or offers me more delicious moments, full of relaxation, as these two hobbies!