
Saptamana 6 / Week 6

Vorbeam in postarile precedente despre valoarea simbolica a monarhiilor, iar saptamana trecuta promiteam sa intru putin mai in detaliu cu privire la legaturile de rudenie dintre casele regale ale Europei. Consider ca, si in ceea ce priveste Uniunea Europeana , putem vorbi despre un aspect simbolic al regalitatii. Este bine cunoscuta practica legata de casatoriile regale, practica pe care o consemneaza inclusiv istoria recenta a secolului al XX-lea. Chiar regulile diferitelor case regale europene stipulau faptul ca membrii acestora aveau obligatia de a se casatori cu persoane de rang echivalent, initial pentru pastrarea „puritatii” sangelui, confirmarea de aliante sau extinderea teritoriala, iar mai apoi, inspre secolul al XIX-lea, mai mult datorita prestigiului si numelui. Incalcarea acestor reguli a dus, chiar si in secolul al XX-lea, la excluderea din succesiune. Treptat, aceasta practica a cazut in desuetudine, insa rezultatul acestei traditii este vizibil si azi, iar in opinia mea are o valoare simbolica deosebita. Toate casele regale europene, incluzand aici, bineinteles, cele 7 monarhii care supravietuiesc si sunt membre ale Uniunii Europene, sunt inrudite, astfel ca, o intrunire intre familiile regale europene este, in adevaratul sens la cuvantului, o “intrunire de familie”:

Descendentii reginei Victoria a Marii Britanii

© Majesty Magazine
regina Victoria
Din negurile istoriei, genealogii au reusit sa descopere originile nobile ale regalitatii de pe batranul continent, iar din istoria mai recenta a secolului al XIX-lea se poate usor observa faptul ca tronurile europene sunt ocupate in ziua de azi de urmasii reginei Victoria a Marii Britanii si Irlandei, imparateasa Indiei (cunoscuta ca “bunica Europei”) si a „socrului Europei”, regele Christian al IX-lea al Danemarcei. O mare familie regala europeana, care in opinia mea, are o deosebita valoare simbolica. Avem, pe de-o parte marea familie a statelor europene (majoritatea membre ale Uniunii Europene), si, pe de alta parte, marea familie europeana a regalitatii. Observam deci ca institutia monarhica indeplineste si la acest nivel rolul de simbol, in acest caz simbol al infratirii europene. Acesta mare familie care protejeaza cu darzenie valorile comune, principiile de baza, impartasite, care ii ghideaza fiecare miscare, delectandu-se, in acelasi timp, in fascinanta sa diversitate.
Saptamana viitoare ma voi axa pe a explica locul ASR Principesa Mostenitoare in acest concert al caselor regale ale Europei.

Descendentii regelui Christian al IX-lea al Danemarcei

Inchei capitolul “Radu si cu mine” cu o reteta care m-a imbiat de la inceput, dar m-a si speriat! (probabil de aceea am lasat-o la urma). De fapt, unul dintre aspectele care m-au atras cel mai mult la acest proiect a fost tocmai acela ca voi fi nevoit sa incerc lucruri pe care in mod normal nu le-as fi incercat, fie din comoditate, fie din frica de a da gres. Recunosc ca am destule idei preconcepute, iar una dintre ele era aceea ca sufleul este extrem de dificil de preparat si nu prea eram convins ca merita efortul…

Sufleu de ciocolata alba cu lamaie verde si galbena

Am adaugat coaja rasa de la o lamaie galbena si de la o limeta la un sfert de litru de lapte, impreuna cu 2 linguri pline de zahar si un strop de esenta de vanilie. Am fiert acest amestec la foc mic, dupa care l-am lasat “sa se odihneasca”. Inainte sa se fi racit l-am turnat intr-un bol, peste o tabla de ciocolata alba, rupta in bucati mici. Am amestecat totul pana s-a topit ciocolata.
Separat, am topit 2 linguri de unt, la care am adaugat 5 linguri de faina alba. La foc mic am amestecat bine pana ce faina a capatat o culoare galbuie, cu atentie, avand grija sa nu se arda compozitia. Am incorporat ciocolata alba topita in lapte si am amestecat pana am obtinut o consistenta cremoasa asemanatoare aluatului de clatite frantuzesti. Dupa ce am indepartat acesta crema de pe foc si am lasat-o putin sa se raceasca, am batut galbenusurile de la 4 oua si, separat, albusurile de la 5 oua impreuna cu 2 linguri pline de zahar. Am adaugat la crema de ciocolata alba, lapte si faina, galbenusurile de ou, iar la final spuma de albusuri, amestecand cu grija (vezi Saptamana 2) pana am obtinut o compozitie omogena.
Am uns cu unt topit un vas de sticla, peste care am presarat ciocolata neagra rasa. Deasupra am turnat intreaga compozitie obtinuta, dupa care am introdus vasul la cuptor, la 200 grade Celsius pentru vreo 5 minute. Am scazut temperatura cu 20 de grade si am lasat sufleul in cuptor pentru inca un sfert de ora.

In ciuda rezervelor pe care le-am avut initial, reteta a iesit. Sufleul a crescut si a avut un gust minunat: nu prea dulce, cu o aroma subtila de citrice, intr-un contrast perfect cu ciocolata amaruie, iar consistenta asemanatoare unui nor pufos.
Reteta detaliata se afla in “Cartea regala de bucate”, Ed. Curtea Veche, Bucuresti 2010, pag. 196.


In my previous posts I was talking about the symbolic value of monarchies and last week I promised I will describe in more detail the family connections between the royal families of Europe. I believe that we can also talk about a symbolic aspect of royalty as far as the European Union is concerned.  The practice of royal marriages is well known and even constitutes a part of the recent history of the 20th century. Marrying someone of equivalent rank was stated in the rules of the various royal houses, initially for maintaining the “purity of blood”, confirming alliances or territorial expansion; later on, around the 19th century, it was done mostly for prestige. The ones who did not obey this rule were excluded from the succession, even in the 20th century. Gradually this practice started to fall into disregard, but the results of this tradition are clearly visible today, and they have, in my opinion, a special symbolic value. All the European royal houses, including, of course, the 7 surviving ones that are members of the EU, are related, which means that a reunion of the royal families of Europe is actually a family reunion:
[see The descendents of Queen Victoria of Great Britain genealogic table above]
Genealogists were able to uncover from the mists of history the noble roots of royalty on the old continent. From the recent history of the 19th century one can easily observe that the European thrones are all occupied by descendents of Queen Victoria of Great Britain and Ireland, Empress of India (also known as the “Grandmother” of Europe) and of the “Father-in-law of  Europe”, King Christian IX of Denmark.  This great royal family of Europe has in my opinion an outstanding symbolic value. On the one hand we have the big family of the European states (the majority of which are members of the EU) and on the other hand, the great European Royal Family. As we can see, on this level, the monarchical institution represents a symbol of the close bond between the European states. This big European family staunchly protects the basic common principles, which guide its every move, relishing in the same time in its fascinating diversity.
Next week I will explain the place of Her Royal Highness the Crown Princess of Romania in this symphony of European royal houses.
[see The Descendents of King Christian IX of Denmark genealogic table above]

I’m closing the chapter “Radu si cu mine” with a recipe that tempted me at first, but of which I was also a bit afraid (probably that’s why I left it at the end). Actually the thing that attracted me the most to this project was trying things which I usually wouldn’t try out of laziness or fear of failing. I admit I have a lot of preconceptions, one of them being that soufflés are extremely difficult to prepare and not really worth the effort…

White chocolate soufflé with lemon and lime

I added the zest of one lemon and one lime to a cup of milk together with 2 tablespoons of sugar and a drop of vanilla essence. I simmered this mixture for a while and then let it rest. Before cooling down, I poured the mixture in a bowl and added one bar of white chocolate broken into small pieces. I stirred thoroughly until the chocolate was completely melted.
In a saucepan I melted 2 tablespoons of butter and added 5 tablespoons of white flour. I stirred everything together at low heat until the mixture turned golden, while being careful that it did not burn. Then I added the milk/white chocolate mixture to the saucepan stirring constantly until it got the consistency of French pancake batter. After taking this creamy mixture off the heat and letting it cool for a while, I whisked the yolks of 4 eggs and, separately, the egg whites from 5 eggs together with 2 tablespoons of sugar until they formed stiff peaks. I stirred together the whisked egg yolks and the creamy chocolate mixture, carefully adding the fluffy egg whites at the end (see Week 2).
I coated a tempered glass bowl with melted butter and then dusted it with grated dark chocolate. I then filled the bowl with the mixture and put it in the oven at 200 degrees Celsius for about 5 minutes, after which I turned the temperature down by 20 degrees and  let the soufflé bake for another 15 minutes.  
In spite of my initial fears, the soufflé was perfect! It rose beautifully and had a great flavor: not too sweet, with a subtle tart flavor that contrasted perfectly with the dark chocolate while having the texture of a fluffy cloud.
The detailed recipe can be found in “Cartea regala de bucate”, Ed. Curtea Veche, Bucuresti, 2010, pag. 196.

Un comentariu:

  1. Sufleul arata excelent. Sincer io niciodata nu am inteles ce-i ala sufleu, da daca tu zici...io te cred.
    In legatura cu genealogiile, io is tot acolo. Nu m-ai lamurit cu absolut nimic, iar graficele alea ma confuzeaza la fel ca si explicatiile tale anterioare. Asa ca te rog mai incearca... :))
