
Saptamana 12 / Week 12

Principesa Mostenitoare a Romaniei si-a serbat ziua de nastere pe 26 martie, astfel ca vreau sa incep prin a ura ASR “La multi ani!”, plini de sanatate si putere de munca!
Personal apreciez imens de mult contributia Principesei Margareta a Romaniei la imbunatatirea imaginii tarii noatre si la sustinerea, prin programe de caritate, a categoriilor societatii care au cea mai mare nevoie de atentie.
Probabil ceea ce admir cel mai mult la ASR este simtul datoriei: datoria fata de familia sa, fata de trecutul si mostenirea acesteia, fata de institutia monarhica, datoria fata de parintii ei si fata de tara. Intr-o perioada in care hedonismul, interesul exclusiv fata de sine si goana nebuna dupa castiguri materiale fac legea, este incurajator modelul oferit de Principesa Margareta, care alaturi de ASR Principele Radu si-au dedicat viata si activitatea unei idei, unui principiu.

                                 ©  F P M R
                   ASR Principesa Mostenitoare a Romaniei
Principesa Margareta, primul copil al ML regele Mihai si regina Ana ai Romaniei, s-a nascut la 26 martie 1949 in Elvetia, la Lausanne. Si-a petrecut copilaria in Elvetia, Regatul Unit si Italia, fiind extrem de apropiata de bunica sa paterna, MS regina Elena a Romaniei.
ASR a absolvit cursurile Universitatii din Edinburgh, specializandu-se in sociologie, stiinte politice si drept international public, iar CV-ul sau cuprinde perioade de activitate atat in cadrul ONU, cat si in cadrul Organizatiei Mondiale a Sanatatii.
In urma evenimentelor care au marcat Europa de Est in 1989, Principesa a renuntat la cariera din cadrul ONU, iar de la inceputul anilor ’90 s-a dedicat exclusiv activitatilor de caritate, punand bazele Fundatiei Principesa Margareta a Romaniei , care are filiale in importante orase europene, dar si in America de Nord. A intrat pentru prima data pe tritoriul al carui nume il poarta in ianuarie 1990.
           © ASR Principele Radu al Romaniei
                            Familia Regala
In 1996, la Lausanne, Principesa s-a casatorit cu dl. Radu Duda, actualmente ASR principele Radu al Romaniei, principe de Hohenzollern-Veringen.
Statutul Casei Regale , adoptat de MS regele Mihai I la data de 30 decembrie 2007, consfinteste pozitia ASR Principesei ca Mostenitoare a Sefiei Casei Regale si Custode a Coroanei Romaniei.
Doresc inca odata sa reiterez admiratia mea fata de Principesa Mostenitoare, fata de principiile pe care le sustine, fata de institutia si trecutul pe care le reprezinta cu atata eleganta si bun-simt. Acum cand atata lume este dezorientata si nu mai crede sau nu mai are incredere in nimic, este reconfortant sa vezi pe cineva care are siguranta ce emana din asumarea destinului si disciplina datoriei!

Muschi de porc cu cartofi

 In aceasta saptamana am continuat capitolul dedicat Principelui Mostenitor al Iugoslaviei cu cea de-a doua si ultima reteta trimisa Principesei Margareta.
Asa cum aratam si saptamana trecuta, si aceasta reteta poate fi considerata specifica zonei noastre, lucru ce nu-i stirbeste deloc din farmec, insa ea se adreseaza iubitorilor de carne de porc.
Am calit in putin ulei de masline o ceapa mare, alba, la care am adaugat un ardei gras mic, verde si unul potrivit, rosu. Le-am tinut la foc mediu pana s-au inmuiat putin. La aceasta compozitie am adaugat o bucata medie de muschi file de porc, pe care am taiat-o in cuburi de dimensiuni potrivite.
Am tinut carnea, impreuna cu ceapa si ardeii la foc mediu, astfel incat carnea sa se patrunda, dupa care am adaugat jumatate de conserva de rosii decojite, de calitate buna. Am lasat sa dea un clocot si am condimentat cu sare, piper proaspat macinat si un ardei iute. Din proprie experienta, va recomand sa verificati cat de iute este ardeiul si sa folositi in concordanta cu “rezistenta” mesenilor…
Separat, am fiert 6 cartofi mari, curatati si taiati in cuburi, impreuna cu vreo 4 morcovi, curatati si taiati in rondele groase. Dupa ce s-au fiert, i-am stors si i-am amestecat cu jumate de pachet mic de unt si patrunjel proaspat. Nu uitati sa condimetati cu sare, dupa gust.
Este un fel de mancare consistent, gustos si usor de preparat, ce nu ocupa prea mult timp si poate fi cu usurinta pregatit chiar si in timpul saptamanii.

Reteta detaliata se afla in “Cartea regala de bucate”, Ed. Curtea Veche, Bucuresti 2010, pag. 110.


Crown Princess Margarita of Romania celebrated her birthday on March 26th so I would like to start by wishing HRH a very “Happy Birthday!”, good health and the power to continue the good work that she has been doing for this country.

Personally I thoroughly appreciate Princess Margarita of Romania’s contribution towards the improvement of the country's image and the support, through charity programs, of the social categories that need attention the most.

Perhaps what I admire the most about HRH is her sense of duty: duty to her family, to its past and its legacy, duty to the institution of monarchy, to her parents and to the country. In a time when hedonism, self-centered interests and the obsession with material gains define society, Princess Margarita’s example is encouraging. The Crown Princess, along with HRH Prince Radu, have dedicated their life and work to an idea, a principle.

Princess Margarita, the first born child of Their Majesties King Michael and Queen Ana of Romania, was born on 26 March 1949 in Lausanne, Switzerland. She spent her childhood in Switzerland, the United Kingdom and Italy, and was extremely close to her paternal grandmother, HM Queen Elena of Romania.

HRH graduated from Edinburgh University, specializing in sociology, political science and international law, and her CV includes periods of work within both the UN and the World Health Organization.

Following the events that marked the year 1989 in Eastern Europe, the Princess gave up her career in the UN and starting with the early 90s dedicated herself exclusively to charitable activities, creating the Princess Margarita of Romania Foundation, which has offices in major European cities but also in North America. She stepped for the first time on the soil of the country whose name she bears in January 1990.

In 1996, in Lausanne, the Princess married Mr. Radu Duda, now HRH Prince Radu of Romania, Prince of Hohenzollern-Veringen.

The Royal Statute, adopted by HM King Michael I on December 30th 2007, acknowledges the position of HRH as Crown Princess, successor to the headship of the Royal House of Romania and Custodian of the Romanian Crown.

I want, once again, to reiterate my admiration for the Princess, for the principles that she upholds and the institution and heritage that she represents with such elegance and good sense. Nowadays when so many people are disoriented and do not believe in anything, it is refreshing to see someone whose confidence comes from assuming their destiny and duty!

Fillet of Pork with Potatoes

This week we continue the chapter dedicated to the Crown Prince of Yugoslavia with the second and last recipe sent by HRH to Princess Margarita.

As I was saying last week, this recipe can also be considered specific to our geographical area, which does not make it less appealing at all, but it is definitely a recipe for meat/pork lovers.

I sautéed a large, white onion in a little olive oil, to which I added a little green bell pepper and one middle-sized red bell pepper. I kept these on medium heat until they were softened. To this composition I added an average-sized piece of pork loin, cut it into cubes.

I kept the meat, together with the onion and bell peppers, over medium heat so that the pork would cook all the way through, after which I added half a tin of good quality whole, peeled tomatoes. I let everything simmer and seasoned with freshly ground pepper, salt and a hot pepper. From my own experience, I recommend you check just how hot the peppers are before adding them to a dish. Make sure they are used in accordance with the diners’ “resistance”...

Separately, I boiled six large potatoes, peeled and cut into cubes, along with about 4 carrots, peeled and cut into thick slices. After they were cooked, I drained the potatoes and carrots and I mixed them with some butter and fresh parsley. Do not forget to season with salt.

This is a hearty, tasty and easy to prepare dish, which does not take up too much time and can be easily prepared even on weekdays.

The detailed recipe can be found in “Cartea regala de bucate”, Ed. Curtea Veche, Bucuresti 2010, pag. 110.

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