
Saptamana 9 / Week 9

 © F P M R

Vreau sa incep postarea de azi cu o urare de “primavara placuta” pentru toata lumea si urari de bine pentru toate femeile! Se pare ca ne facem timid intrarea in noul anotimp, iar faptul ca soarele se vede din ce in ce mai mult ma face sa ma simt mult mai optimist si plin de energie.
M-am gandit sa folosesc acest moment pozitiv pentru a aminti tuturor despre formularul 230 (sau 200, dupa caz), prin care fiecare cetatean poate redirectiona 2% din impozitul pe venit dinspre stat spre un ONG (fundatie sau organizatie etc.) a carui activitate o considera demna de a fi sustinuta.

Inca de la sfarsitul anului trecut, am analizat atent proiectele desfasurate de Fundatia Principesei Margareta si am considerat ca ele sunt benefice intrucat isi propun sa ajute categoriile cele mai vulnerabile ale societatii noatre (tinerii si batranii), dar si sa le ofere indivizilor vizati uneltele necesare pentru a-si imbunatati ei insisi viata prin incurajarea talentului sau prin sustinerea zonelor defavorizate. O alta activitate asumata de Fundatie, pe care nu am intalnit-o niciunde altundeva, se refera la dialogul dintre generatii.

Personal, am redirectionat cei 2% catre beneficiari diferiti in fiecare an, iar anul acesta am hotarat sa sustin Fundatia Principesei Margareta. Doresc sa multumesc tuturor prietenilor si colegilor care au dorit sa se alature, la randul lor, demersului meu!
Celor interesati, le propun sa acceseze pagina oficiala a Fundatiei Principesa Margareta pentru a se familiariza cu activitatea si proiectele acesteia si a gasi toate instructiunile necesare, in cazul in care decid sa ajute.

In aceasta saptamana am trecut la cea de-a doua si, totodata, penultima reteta din capitolul “Tata”. M-am distrat copios atunci cand am urmarit interviul Principesei Mostenitoare si am auzit relatarea legata de MS Regele, care a cerut sa primeasca inca o portie din “chestia aia verde”… Decizia Principesei de a include aceasta reteta in “Cartea regala de bucate” m-a bucurat enorm deoarece iubesc busuiocul, sunt mort dupa pesto, dar nu l-am preparat niciodata in casa, de la zero.

Pasta con pesto

Pastele se fierb conform instructiunilor de pe ambalaj, astfel incat sa fie calde in momentul terminarii sosului.

Pentru sosul pesto e nevoie de frunze de busuioc proaspat (eu am folosit 2 pungi x 30g), seminte de pin (80g - trebuiesc rumenite putin intr-o tigaie), ulei de masline (200ml), parmezan proaspat ras (3 linguri mari), usturoi (eu am pus 2 catei, reteta cere 4-5, dar daca duceti de pranz la birou poate va mai ganditi…) si sare (dupa gust). Toate aceste ingrediente se pun in blender, folosindu-se intermitent functia pulse pana cand devin o pasta omogena (asigurati-va ca frunzele au fost macinate uniform).
 Rezultatul este ceea ce se numeste pesto alla genovese, sau sosul pesto classic, din busuioc.
Din propria experienta, va pot spune ca semintele de pin se gasesc destul de greu la noi si sunt la un pret destul de ridicat. Pentru a obtine reteta clasica, merita investitia, insa, la nevoie, ele pot fi inlocuite cu migdale sau chiar nuci obisnuite.
In cele din urma adaugati sosul deasupra pastelor calde si amestecati astfel incat sa se distribuie uniform.
Nu este obligatoriu sa folositi paste de tip spaghetti: cele de tip fusilli merg foarte bine, daca nu chiar mai bine, intrucat striatiile capteaza mai bine sosul pesto, dupa parerea mea.
Singurul motiv pentru care aceasta reteta ar putea fi considerata cu o idee mai pretentioasa ar fi ingredientele: in special busuiocul si semintele de pin, care sunt mai dificil de gasit si mai costisitoare. De asemenea este indicat ca uleiul de masline si parmezanul sa fie de calitate superioara. Cu toate acestea, va recomand sa incercati acest preparat al carei dificultate de pregatire, dupa cum se vede, este redusa. In plus, puteti avea parte de o masa hranitoare si sanatoasa. Pentru cei care sunt mai atenti la ceea ce mananca, se pot folosi paste din faina integrala. Merita tinut minte ca busuiocul este o planta cu efecte benefice (are efect antioxidant si antimicrobial), iar semintele de pin protejeaza inima si ajuta ficatul, fiind o sursa excelenta de fibre si proteine.

Buon appetito!

Reteta detaliata se afla in “Cartea regala de bucate”, Ed. Curtea Veche, Bucuresti 2010, pag. 26.


I want to begin today’s post by whishing everyone a wonderful spring and by sending all the best to all the women in the world! It looks like the new season is shyly making its way into our lives and the fact that the sun can be seen more and more makes me feel more optimistic and full of energy.
I thought of taking advantage of this positive moment to remind everybody about Form 230 (or 200 in some cases) through which every Romanian citizen can redirect 2% of his/hers income tax towards an NGO (foundation or organization) whose activity he/she considers worthy of supporting.
Ever since the end of last year I have carefully analyzed the projects carried out by the Princess Margarita of Romania Foundation and I thought they are benefic as they are trying to help the most vulnerable categories of our society (the young and the old). Through these projects the foundation is also trying to offer individuals the necessary means for them to improve their life: it encourages talent and it tries to support disfavored areas. Another activity promoted by the foundation is, in my opinion, a less common, but very positive one: the dialogue between generations.
I, for one, have redirected the 2% towards different beneficiaries every year and this year I’ve decided to support the Princess Margarita of Romania Foundation. I would like to thank all my colleagues and friends that also decided to join in helping the Princess’ efforts!
My suggestion for everyone interested is to go to the official web page of the Princess Margarita of Romania Foundation in order to familiarize themselves with its activity and projects and also to find all the necessary instructions, in case they decide to help.

This week I moved on to the second recipe from the chapter “Tata”. I was very much amused when I saw the Crown Princess’ interview and I heard the story about HM the King asking to get another portion of “that green thing”… The princess’ decision to include this recipe in “Cartea regala de bucate” made me very happy because I love basil, I’m crazy about pesto and yet I have never made it from scratch in my kitchen.

Pasta con pesto

Cook the pasta according to the pack instructions so that it will be warm when the sauce is ready.
To make pesto you will need fresh basil leaves (I used 2 bags x 30g), pine seeds (80g – they must be roasted a little bit beforehand), olive oil (200ml), freshly grated parmesan (3 large spoons), garlic (I added 2 cloves, the recipe requires 4-5, but if one takes some for lunch the next day, maybe one will think twice…) and salt (according to taste). All these ingredients go into the blender, using the pulse function until a smooth paste is obtained (make sure the leaves are uniformly minced).
The result is what one would call pesto alla genovese, or the classic pesto made with basil.
Speaking from my experience I can tell you that the pine seeds are quite difficult to find in our stores and are a bit pricy. In order to obtain the classic recipe they are required, but, when needed they can be replaced by almonds or even walnuts.
In the end add the sauce on top of the warm pasta and mix to distribute the pesto evenly.
You don’t necessarily have to use spaghetti: fusilli can also be used and in my opinion they are quite appropriate because the striations gather the pesto very well.
The only reason for which this recipe could be considered just a tad more pretentious would be the ingredients: especially the basil and the pine seeds, that are more difficult to find and more expensive. Also it is advisable that the olive oil and the parmesan used are of a superior quality. Nonetheless, I suggest that you try this dish which has a low difficulty level, as one can see. Furthermore, this is a hearty and healthy meal. For those who are more careful about what they eat, whole grain pasta can be used. It’s worth keeping in mind that basil is a plant with antioxidant and antibacterial effects, while pine seeds protect the heart and help the liver, being an excellent source of fibers and proteins.
Buon appetito!

The detailed recipe can be found in “Cartea regala de bucate”, Ed. Curtea Veche, Bucuresti, 2010, pag. 26.

Un comentariu:

  1. Cam verde intr-adevar...dar pare gustos. Am o singura intebare la tine? Carnea, unde-i carnea?
