
Saptamana 16 / Week 16

 Hristos a inviat !

Westminster Abbey, Londra

Saptamana aceasta va fi marcata de evenimentul regal al anului – casatoria ASR principele William de Wales cu domnisoara Catherine Middleton – care va avea loc vineri, 29 aprilie 2011, la Westminster Abbey, in Londra.

Certificatul de casatorie al MS regina Elisabeta a II-a
semnatura regelui Mihai I se poate vedea in dreapta, jos

Astept cu nerabdare acest eveniment deosebit, precum astept cu mare emotie sa vad pe ALR Principesa Mostenitoare si principele Radu, care, in frunte cu MS Regele, reprezinta la nunta regala nu doar familia lor, ci si tara noastra, asa cum Mihai I a facut-o si in 1947, la nunta actualei regine, Elisabeta a II-a, tot la Westminster Abbey, acum mai bine de 60 de ani! 

Nunta actualei suverane britanice, Londra, 1947
MS regele Mihai I este in ultmul rand, dreapta


Sofia Margareta Victoria Frederica, sau, mai simplu, MS regina Sofia a Spaniei s-a nascut la Atena, fiind primul copil al cuplului regal Paul (Pavlos) si Frederica ai Greciei.

Casa regala a Greciei

Verisoara primara cu regele Mihai I, sotia regelui Spaniei a fost intotdeauna o apropiata a familiei regale a Romaniei, inca din primii ani ai vietii. Pe cand era inca principesa a Greciei, Sofia a fost domnisoara de onoare la nunta regelui Mihai cu regina Ana, care a avut loc in Atena in anul de dupa abdicarea fortata a regelui. Apropierea dintre Sofia si rudele romane a fost demonstrata si de prezenta principesei Margareta ca domnisoara de onoare la nunta Sofiei cu don Juan Carlos de Bourbon y Battenberg, actualul Juan Carlos I al Spaniei, precum si de prezenta reginei Spaniei la evenimentele importante din viata casei regale romane, precum celebrarea nuntii de diamant a regelui si reginei Romaniei, la Bucuresti.

 © ASR Principele Radu al Romaniei
Familia regala a Romaniei alaturi de regina Sofia a Spaniei, Bucuresti, 2008

Regina Sofia este casatorita cu actualul suveran spaniol de peste 40 de ani, iar impreuna ocupa tronul Spaniei de aproape 36 de ani.
Regatul Spaniei are caracteristica de a fi, in acelasi timp, una dintre cele mai vechi monarhii ale lumii, cu o traditie impresionanta si o influenta pe masura la nivel mondial, dar si cea mai noua monarhie restaurata pe batranul continent. Aderarea Spaniei la Uniunea Europeana, la 1 ianuarie 1986, a incheiat un proces de regenerare si maturizare a democratiei spaniole, proces in care institutia monarhiei a avut un rol absolut vital.
Pe toata perioada celor trei ani care s-au scurs de la moartea lui Franco pe 20 noiembrie 1975 si pana la 28 decembrie 1978 cand Majestatea Sa regele Juan Carlos I a sanctionat noua Constitutie spaniola, regele a fost unica forta care a facut posibila trecerea de la un popor inspaimantat si umilit la o tara libera a tuturor spaniolilor, asemenea tarilor europene aflate in vecinatatea sa.
Aceasta schimbare, sau tranzitie politica, ar fi putut fi realizata intr-un ritm mai alert, insa partea cea mai interesanta a fost aceea ca ea s-a produs aproape fara nici o tulburare, in ciuda faptului ca intreaga masinarie statala, de la sistemul politic, administratie, politie secreta, si pana la autoritatile legale – intregul proces centralizat de luare a deciziilor, toate caracteristice statelor totalitare, erau astfel concepute pentru a fi controlate de dictator – Franco.
Juan Carlos I a indicat, timid, in discursul tinut in ziua in care predecesorul sau a murit, ca se deschidea atunci o noua etapa in istoria Spaniei. Actiunile sale, caracterizate de un amestec de prudenta, istetime si curaj politic, au avut ca efect dezintegrarea aparatului de stat al dictatorului Francisco Franco, fara a cauza insa o dezordine publica de proportii
In perioada anilor in care a fost „succesorul cu titlu de rege” al dictatorului, Juan Carlos a pus bazele unui plan si a unei strategii gandite cu mare grija. Singurele persoane care cunosteau detaliile acestei strategii fiind tatal sau, Don Juan de Bourbon y Battenberg, cel care avea sa devina in cele din urma principalul sau sfatuitor, si Torcuato Fernandez Miranda, tutorele tanarului principe, pe care acesta avea sa-l numeasca  presedinte al Cortesului dupa succesiune, o pozitie cheie in care a putut sa promoveze reforma principalelor legi care alcatuisera o pseudo-constitutie in cadrul regimului franchist, transformandu-le in cadrul legal care avea sa faciliteze organizarea de alegeri libere si democratice in cel mai scurt timp .
In perioada celor trei ani, din 1975 pana in 1978, cele doua „Spanii”, cea care iesise invingatoare din razboiul civil, precum si perdanta, au ajuns la o reconciliere aproape totala. Exilatii pe motive politice s-au intors si s-a acordat o amnistie politica larga. Au fost, de asemenea, repuse in drepturile lor principalele libertati: libertatea presei, libertatea cuvantului, dreptul de a demonstra etc. Legea reformei politice a fost elaborata si adoptata, astfel ca s-a legalizat sistemul multipartit. Insa „capodopera” acestei perioade de tranzitie a fost, fara indoiala, crearea Constitutiei de la 1978: o constitutie moderna, progresista, conceputa cu ochii indreptati spre viitor. Mai mult, aceasta Constitutie a fost creata pe baza consensului tuturor partidelor politice. O creatie cu o mare valoare juridica, insa si simbolica pentru ca ea semnaleaza renasterea democratiei spaniole dupa o lunga perioada de dictatura.
Un alt eveniment simbolic avusese loc in 1977, atunci cand Don Juan de Bourbon y Battenberg, seful Casei Regale al Spaniei si mostenitorul de drept al coroanei, a transferat drepturile sale dinastice si succesorale fiului sau in cadrul unei ceremonii private. Acest moment, desi simbolic, poate fi considerat hotarator, prin aceea ca a intarit legitimitatea noii ordini de stat, impresionand atat adeptii monarhiei, cat si pe cei neutrii si chiar si pe republicani.

ML Regele si Regina Spaniei

Pe data de 28 decembrie 1978, regele, dupa semnarea Constitutiei , a carei adoptare si-a dorit-o atat de mult, si-a preluat locul de drept – acela de rege constitutional, care domneste insa nu guverneaza, cu mentiunea ca si-a devotat intotdeauna energia, si continua si azi sa o faca, pentru consolidarea democratiei.
Constitutia ii atribuie acele prerogative pe care si le-a imaginat ca fiind potrivite inca de pe vremea regimului franchist: acelea de a fi simbolul unitatii si continuitatii Spaniei, de arbitru si moderator ce vegheaza la buna functionare a institutiilor, de a reprezenta statul, chiar si in contextul unor puteri politice restranse. Acestea din urma sunt limitate la sanctionarea si proclamarea legilor, convocarea si dizolvarea Parlamentului, convocarea organizarii de alegeri la propunerea primului ministru sau organizarea de referendumuri in concordanta cu prevederile legii fundamentale. Monarhul are puterea de a propune candidatul pentru pozitia de prim-ministru, si, la nevoie, il poate numi pe acesta in functie pe baza rezultatelor alegerilor generale. El poate, de asemenea, sa numeasca si sa demita ministrii propusi de premier, precum si sa emita decrete aprobate in cadrul Consiliului de ministri.
Monarhul este comandantul suprem al armatei, desi politica de aparare este elaborata de catre executiv, numeste ambasadori, autorizeaza intelegeri internationale in concordanta cu articolele relevante ale Constitutiei, declara razboi si semneaza tratate de pace atunci cand este autorizat sa o faca de catre legislativ.
Aceasta descriere a prerogativelor suveranului spaniol demonstreaza ca puterile ii sunt drastic limitate. Insa aceste puteri ii sunt cele necesare si ii permit sa fie acel arbitru, un moderator al vietii politice, aflat intr-o pozitie neutra in ceea ce priveste partidele si celelalte institutii ale statului, dar si un protector al tuturor cetatenilor. Suveranul spaniol este un garant al democratiei, lucru demonstrat la 23 februarie 1981, cand ordinea de drept a fost greu pusa la incercare, dar regele, actionand pe deplin in limitele sale constitutionale, a salvat democratia si a inlaturat orice posibilitate de reintoarcere la dictatura militara .
De la momentul urcarii sale pe tron, Juan Carlos I a fost in ochii lumii simbolul noii Spanii, o Spanie moderna, o Spanie a progresului, aflata intr-o deplina intelegere cu vecinii sai. Drumul acesteia s-a deschis spre institutii ce nu-i fusesera accesibile in perioada anterioara: Consiliul Europei, NATO, culminand cu aderarea la Uniunea Europeana in anul 1986.
Modelul spaniol ne demonstreaza, poate cel mai bine, nu doar ca institutia monarhica este benefica pentru democratie sau pentru coeziunea nationala, ci si ca aceasta institutie este una moderna, extrem de adaptabila si, nu in ultimul rand, faptul ca revenirea la monarhie nu este un proces imposibil. 

Gazpacho Andaluz

Iata ca dupa reteta de peste si orez a cuplului regal bulgar (Saptamana 14), ne intoarcem in peninsula Iberica tot printr-o filiera balcanica, aceea a reginei Spaniei care a trimis principesei Margareta reteta sa pentru Gazpacho Andaluz.
Gazpacho este o supa de rosii si legume crude, care se serveste rece si este extrem de sanatoasa si binevenita in lunile calde de vara.

Prepararea acestei retete este simpla: veti avea nevoie de rosii cat mai copate, castravete, ardei gras, usturoi, ceapa, cateva felii de paine uscata, ulei de masline si otet.
Eu am folosit 12 rosii de dimesiunii mari, un castravete, o ceapa alba, doi ardei grasi verzi, un catel de usturoi , pe care le-am spalat bine si le-am taiat cuburi. La toate aceste ingrediente am adaugat cinci felii de paine alba uscata, pe care am imbibat-o in apa si am stors-o in prealabil, jumate de cana de ulei de masline si cam trei linguri de otet balsamic.
Am amestecat toate ingredientele si le-am introdus in frigider cateva ore, dupa care le-am bagat in blender pana s-au maruntit, iar la final le-am strecurat. Am condimentat cu sare si piper, iar pentru decorare am folosit un ou fiert tare impreuna cu rosie, ardei si ceapa cuburi.
Dupa micile excesele de Pasti, pot sa spun ca aceasta supa a fost mai mult decat binevenita!

Reteta detaliata se afla in “Cartea regala de bucate”, Ed. Curtea Veche, Bucuresti 2010, pag. 84.


Christ is risen !

This week will be marked by the royal event of the year – the wedding of HRH prince William of Wales and Ms. Catherine Middleton – which will take place on Friday, April 29th 2011 at Westminster Abbey, in London. I really look forward to this special event and also to seeing TRH the Crown Princess and prince Radu, who, together with HM the King, will represent not only their family, but also our country at the Royal Wedding, just as King Michael had done in 1947, at the wedding of the present British queen, Elizabeth II.


Sophia Margaret Victoria Frederika, or HM queen Sofia of Spain, was born in Athens, the firstborn child of king Paul and queen Frederika of Greece.
A first cousin of king Michael I, the wife of the Spanish king has always been very close to Romania’s royal family, from childhood. When she was still a princess of Greece and Denmark, Sofia was a bridesmaid at king Michael and queen Anne’s wedding, which took place in Athens after the King’s forced abdication. The closeness that exists between Sofia and her Romanian relatives was evident when Margarita of Romania was invited to be a bridesmaid at Sofia’s wedding to Juan Carlos de Bourbon y Battenberg, the present-day king of Spain, and also by the Spanish queen’s presence at the most important family events of the Romanian royals like the diamond wedding anniversary of the king and queen of Romania, in Bucharest.
Queen Sofia has been married to the present Spanish monarch for over 40 years and together they have been on the throne for almost 36 years.
The Kingdom of Spain has the particularity of being, at the same time, one of the most ancient monarchies in the world, with an impressive tradition and a matching influence in the world, but also the newest restored monarchy in Europe. Spain’s entry in the European Union on January 1st 1986 ended a process of regeneration and coming of age of the Spanish democracy, a process in which the monarchy had a vital role to play.
During the three years that passed from Franco’s death on November 20th 1975 until December 28th 1978, when king Juan Carlos sanctioned the new Spanish Constitution, the King represented the only force that made possible the transition from a tormented and humiliated people to a free country for all Spaniards.
This change, or political transition, might have been achieved quicker, but it is worth noting that it happened with almost no unrest or violence despite the fact that the entire State, from political system, administration and secret police to legal authority – the entire centralized process of decision-making, all specific to totalitarian states, were conceived in such a way as to be controlled by the dictator – Franco.
Juan Carlos I hinted subtly in his speech, the day his predecessor died, that a new era in Spain’s history was beginning. His actions, characterized by an amalgam of prudence, cleverness and political courage, determined the disintegration of Franco’s state apparatus without producing massive public disorder.
During the years when he was the “successor with the title of King” of the dictator, Juan Carlos carefully devised a well planned strategy for the future. The only people that were aware of the details of this strategy were his father, Don Juan de Bourbon y Battenberg, who would become his main advisor, and Torcuato Fernandez Miranda, his tutor, whom he eventually named as Speaker of the Cortés, a key post from which he could promote the reform of the principal laws which previously formed a pseudo-Constitution during the Franco regime, changing them into the legal frame needed to organize free and democratic elections in the shortest time possible.
During the three years that passed from 1975 until 1978, the Spain that emerged as the victor from the Civil war, and the one that was defeated, reached an almost complete reconciliation. Those who were exiled for political reasons returned and an ample amnesty was granted.  At the same time the main liberties were recognized: the freedom of the press, free speech, the right to assemble etc. The law for political reform was drafted and adopted so that a multiparty system was legalized also. But the true “masterpiece” of this period has to be, without any doubt the Constitution of 1978: a modern and progressive constitution that looked towards the future with confidence. More importantly it was adopted with the full consensus of all political parties.  It was and still is a very valuable legal creation, but it also has a very strong symbolic value since it marks the rebirth of the Spanish democracy after a long period of internal strife and dictatorship.
Another symbolic event had taken place in 1977, when Don Juan de Bourbon y Battenberg, the Head of the Royal House of Spain and the rightful heir to the throne, transferred his dynastic rights onto his son during a private ceremony. This moment, although symbolic, can be considered as being quite decisive because it strengthened the legitimacy of the new order and really impressed not only the monarchy supporters, but also those who were neutral or even republicans.
On December 28th 1978, the King, after having signed the Constitution, whose adoption he wished for so dearly, took his rightful place – that of constitutional monarch, who reigns, but does not govern, while devoting his entire energy to the consolidation of democracy.
The Constitution gives the King those prerogatives that he saw appropriate since the days of the Franco regime: that of being a symbol of Spain’s’ unity and continuity, a factor of equilibrium and balance that ensures the optimum functioning of the State’s institutions, that of representing the State even in the context of very reduced political powers. These latter powers are limited to sanctioning and proclaiming laws, convoking or dissolving the Cortes, calling for general elections upon the advice of the prime minister or organizing referendums according to the rules set out by the fundamental law. The monarch can also propose the candidate for the position of prime minister and can appoint him/her to that said position, based on election results. He can appoint or dismiss ministers and can issue decrees, which need to be approved by the Council of ministers.
The King is the supreme commander of the armed forces (although the defence strategy is devised by the executive), he appoints ambassadors, authorises international agreements in accordance to the relevant articles of the Constitution, declares war and signs peace treaties when so authorised by the Cortes.
This description of the Spanish sovereign’s prerogatives demonstrates that his powers are considerably limited. But these are the powers that he needs in his activity as head-of-state, arbitrator of political life that adopts a strictly neutral stance when it comes to political parties or State institutions, while being a protector of all citizens. The Spanish monarch is a protector of the democracy: this was evident on February 23rd 1981, when the new order was put to the test, but the king, acting well within his constitutional limitations, saved the democracy and thwarted any possibility of a return to military dictatorship.
From the moment he succeeded to the throne, Jan Carlos I has been, in the eyes of the world, the symbol of a new Spain, a Spain of progress and in perfect understanding with her neighbours. Her path was open to institutions that were not accessible beforehand: the Council of Europe, NATO and culminating with its admission into the European Union in 1986.
The Spanish model demonstrates in the best way not only that the monarchical institution is beneficial to democracy or to the national cohesion, but also that this is a thoroughly modern institution, very adaptable and, last, but certainly not least, that the return to constitutional monarchy is not an impossible process. 

Gazpacho Andaluz

After the fish and rice recipe sent by the Bulgarian royal couple (Week 14), we again return to the Iberian Peninsula through a Balkan connection – that of the Spanish queen, who sent her recipe for Gazpacho Andaluz to the Crown Princess.
Gazpacho is a raw tomato soup which is served cold and is extremely wholesome and welcomed, especially during the hot summer months.
The preparation of this recipe is simple: one needs very ripe tomatoes, cucumber, bell peppers, garlic, onion, a few slices of stale bread, olive oil and vinegar.
I used 12 big tomatoes, one cucumber, one white onion, two green bell peppers and one clove of garlic, which I rinsed well and cut into cubes. I added 5 slices of stale white bread, which I had previously soaked in cold water and then drained, half a cup of olive oil and about three spoons of balsamic vinegar.
I mixed all the ingredients together and put them in the fridge for a few hours, after which I put them through the blender and then had them strained. At the end, I added salt and pepper and for decoration I used a hardboiled egg together with some chopped tomato, bell pepper and onion
After Easter’s little culinary excesses, this soup was more than welcomed!

The detailed recipe can be found in “Cartea regala de bucate”, Ed. Curtea Veche, Bucuresti 2010, pag. 84.

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